Closures in Go

In Go, it’s pretty easy to write an anonymous function. package main import "fmt" func main() { func(s string){ fmt.Println("s is:", s) }("hello world") } Running the above code produces: $ go run main.go s is: hello world You can even assign the anonymous function to a variable like so: package main import "fmt" func main() { myFunc := func(s string){ fmt.Println("s is:", s) } myFunc("hello again, world!") } Now we get this output from the above code:...


Generics in Go 1.18

In Go 1.18, we get access to Genrics. Huzzah! Here’s an basic example of how to use them: package main import ( "fmt" ) func PrintAge[age float32 | int64](myAge age) { fmt.Printf("age: %s \t type: %T\n", myAge, myAge) } func main() { var age1 float32 = 30.5 var age2 int64 = 32 PrintAge(age1) PrintAge(age2) } Running the above program gives us the below output. You can see that it happily accepted the float32 and int64 values without issue....


Go defer

defer in go is used to run a function later on. Specifically, the specified function will run when the enclosing function returns. There’s no clean equivalent to this in Python that I’ve found. The quintessential example is closing a file handle as your program exits. Example package main import ( "fmt" "os" ) func main() { file := createFile("/tmp/testingdefer.txt") defer closeFile(file) writeFile(file) } func createFile(path string) (file *os.File) { fmt.Println("creating file: ", path) file, _ = os....


Empty Go Interfaces

When declaring function parameters in Go, you must type the incoming data. Here’s an example: package main import "fmt" func print_stuff(s string) { fmt.Println(s) } func main() { print_stuff("Passing string!") } s string indicates that we’re passing a variable of type string into the function. This prevents us from from passing into variables of any other type. For example, this will fail with ./prog.go:10:17: cannot use 42 (type untyped int) as type string in argument to example_str if you try to pass an integer....



go doc Display doc for current package: go doc Display doc for type in current package: go doc TYPE or go doc -all TYPE go test Run all tests: Run all tests: go test ./... Run all tests in package: go test modulename/pkg/packagename/ Run all tests in file: go test path/to/file_test.go Run subset of tests: Run function tests: go test path/to/file_test.go -run FUNCTION_TEST_NAME Run a single test in function tests: go test path/to/file_test....